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Terms and Conditions of Sale

  1. These Terms and Conditions of sale are those which govern the sale of all Kaspas Distribution Ltd goods and products (the goods) exclusively, notwithstanding any purported variation contained on any order or other written correspondence submitted to you, the Customer, by Kaspas Distribution Ltd unless such variation is expressly agreed to in writing signed by a duly authorised officer of Kaspas Distribution Ltd.
  2. All risks whether insurable or otherwise, relating to the goods, shall, subject to the Reservation of Title clause set forth at condition 6 below, pass to you, the customer, upon delivery of the goods to you or to such place or places as you shall direct. Each part delivery or instalment of the goods shall be deemed to be sold under a separate Contract and no default by the Company in respect of any part delivery or instalment thereof, shall entitle you, the Customer, to treat the Contract as repudiated in regard to any balance or instalment remaining deliverable.  Kaspas Distribution Ltd reserves the right to subcontract in fulfilment of any of your orders, or any part thereof.
  3. Payment for the goods shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing, be made to Kaspas Distribution Ltd within such number of days as the despatch of an invoice, in respect thereof, as shall previously have been agreed between Kaspas Distribution Ltd, regardless payment for any new store opening order is due once the sales order is raised and goods can then be despatched. All sums due to Kaspas Distribution Ltd shall be paid when due, without deduction, and payment shall not be deferred or postponed by you, the Customer, on account of any claim, counterclaim or setoff. Kaspas Distribution Ltd reserves the right to add compound interest at a flat rate of 2% for any overdue invoices and interest will continue to accrue until such time as the debt is paid in full.
  4. A condition precedent to recovery for total or partial loss of, or a shortage (including weight) in, or damage to any goods or any delay in delivery or despatch, or in respect of the quality or condition of any goods supplied by Kaspas Distribution Ltd, every claim must be made by telephone, fax or email to the Head Office in the first instance immediately on receipt of the goods and certainly within 24 hours.  Kaspas Distribution Ltd must be afforded an opportunity to inspect any such goods and to take such samples and perform such tests thereon, as they may reasonably require.  Where the Customer intends to make a claim against Kaspas Distribution Ltd, it must reserve all rights against the carrier of the goods by facsimile or letter and by way of endorsement to the delivery note or consignment docket if relevant.
  5. Where the goods are damaged or defective for any reason, including negligence on the part of Kaspas Distribution Ltd, its servants or agents, the only liability of Kaspas Distribution Ltd, if any, shall be limited to the replacement of the goods.  Kaspas Distribution Ltd shall not, in any circumstances whatsoever, be liable for any consequential loss incurred by the customer or any other person in respect of the goods supplied here under.  Where the goods supplied by Kaspas Distribution Ltd are reprocessed after leaving possession of Kaspas Distribution Ltd, the Customer shall at all times keep Kaspas Distribution Ltd indemnified against any claims for damages, loss or injury to the third parties.
  6. All goods supplied to the Customer shall remain the property of Kaspas Distribution Ltd until such time as they have been paid for in full.
  7. Each and every clause, sub clause and provision shall be separate, severable and enforceable accordingly and the invalidity of any clause of provision, as aforesaid, shall not affect the enforceability or validity of any other provision.
  8. Where products are supplied with a “best before” or “sell by” date, then Kaspas Distribution Ltd shall have no liability for any goods sold after such “best before” or “sell by” date.
  9. Kaspas Distribution Ltd shall not be liable for any delay, loss or damage whatsoever arising out of Acts of God, Government Orders, strike, lock outs or other industrial disputes, inability to secure labour, material or supplies at commercial rates, accidents, plant breakdowns, wars, civil commotion or any other circumstances (whether the foregoing class or not) beyond the control of Kaspas Distribution Ltd and all contracts are subject to cancellation or variation, as may be necessary, due to force majeure.
  10. Kaspas Distribution Ltd warrants that the goods shall be of merchantable quality and comply with all relevant statutory food labelling and safety regulations.
  11. The contract will be governed by the law of England, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.